The course is divided into two parts — “Java for beginners” and “Android Elementary”.
Students, who will successfully complete the “Java for beginners” course, can qualify to enroll in the “Android Elementary” course. Continue reading to learn more.
This course will suit anyone who has ever dealt with developing and knows what is a programmer’s job.
You will study the syntax of Java, types of data, as well as how memory and libraries work. We’ll learn to use correct programming style — the Clean Code.
You will obtain both theoretical and practical knowledge during the classes, and then you will have homework for individual practice. During the course, you’ll be developing a small console app, adding more functions as you strengthen your skills.
Creating a product within a small group of peers, you will learn how to work in a team and use the tools such as Git, GitHub, SourceTree, and Bitbucket.
We’ll give you some additional material and recommend resources for you to continue learning Java.

This course will suit anyone who has some experience in programming with Java and understands the OOP terminology.
You can enroll in this course even if you didn’t complete the “Java for beginners” course.
This course will allow you to:
- Work with Android Studio development environmen;
- Use Android debugging tools;
- Run the app both on an Android device and emulator;
- Impose a user interface (UI) of an Android app;
- Exchange data with the server;
- Store the data in the SQLite database.

We might offer the Trainee position in Kultprosvet to some graduates of the “Android Elementary” course. The next level is to become a Junior Android Developer. It won’t be easy, so keep calm, and do your best.